Pro Bono Consulting for Non-Profits
CCT Atlanta offers pro bono consulting services designed to empower nonprofits in overcoming complex challenges and enhancing operational effectiveness. Our team of experienced consultants provides tailored strategies and insights to drive sustainable growth and amplify community impact.
Application Deadline:
Consulting Solutions Services
Since 1996 Community Consulting Teams (CCT) Atlanta has formed teams of volunteer Atlanta-area consultants, matching them with local non-profit organizations who are seeking help with a variety of critical projects. CCT volunteer teams employ business and management analysis techniques to effectively solve problems for their non-profit clients. All client work is provided pro bono.
Each year CCT takes on meaningful projects from 15-25 non-profit organizations. To date, CCT completed over 300 successful projects in diverse areas such as growth strategies, marketing strategies, operational planning, and organizational and human resources planning and development.
If your organization meets the following criteria and needs assistance for a mission-critical challenge, please apply by accessing the link on this page.
have a 501(c)(3) or equivalent designation
have an annual budget of more than $100K per year (although we work with organizations on a case-by-case basis)
are located in the Metro Atlanta area (local chapters of national organization are acceptable)
have dynamic leaders who are open to advice from third parties
have a designated paid full-time “executive director”
have a highly-engaged board, including a member willing to serve as a project champion
CCT can help identify quick, targeted, customized solutions to boost development, meet customer needs and build a strong, trusted image.
Strategic Planning
CCT can blend a practical set of near-term initiatives with a bold future vision to help your organization focus on consistent success and vibrancy.
CCT can help your organization achieve sustained growth and reach its full potential, while strengthening the core offering.

Client Testimonials

Click the “Become a Client” button below to start or resume an application for the upcoming project cycle.
Complete the online application following the instructions therein.
Submit your application by the listed deadline.
Please direct any questions you may have to info@cctatlantaga.onmicrosoft.com.
Spring Projects Session
Kickoff: March
Mid-terms: April
End of Spring Session Celebration: May
Fall Projects Session
Kickoff: September
Mid-terms: October
End of Fall Session Celebration: November
Apply Now!
Application Deadline: